RTI Response to Intervention Team


RTI Response to Intervention Team

Dear Family,

We know that when a child has a "Coach" in addition to a classroom teacher the child makes significant proogress. We are the Reading Intervention Teachers who will continue to help strengthen students' reading skills in the way they can benefit and understand. Our goal is to make sure each student who we work with will become successful and confident readers!

You can help also by being a Coach for your child!

As a Coach you can:

  1. Read good literature to your child and ask your child to retell different parts of the story.
  2. Set Aside time to do phonics activities with your child.
  3. Play letter games with your child by asking what letter is this and the sound of the letter.
  4. Let your child read a book they like to the family from the illustrations and words.
  5. And most of all enjoy a reading time with your child where everyone reads for a short time.

We feel certain that you will find working with your child will be rewarding!

Happy Reading,

Ms. Kanfer and Ms. Cuevas

Reading Teachers/RTI


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